When children experience change, bullying, loss and other stressful life events, it can have a huge impact on their behaviour and wellbeing. They may worry about themselves, their families and the world.
Being Brave is a live show that gives students positive strategies to cope with emotions and adapt to change at school, at home and online. Fly is a young boy whose parents have separated. He misses his dad desperately and tries to be brave by keeping his emotions ‘bottled up’. He meets Isha, who has been forced to come to a new country. Tim is being bullied and Billie is learning to face her fears. Mrs Russo wants to connect safely with her family online and Celia is coming to terms with loss in her family.
By connecting with the people in his community, Fly discovers the true meaning of being brave: sharing stories, showing feelings, keeping good memories and living life.
Researched and developed in consultation with teachers and psychologists, this live theatre in education program uses song, dance and storytelling to provide students with positive coping strategies.
Designed to support your school’s existing student wellbeing program and facilitate further learning in the classroom, Being Brave empowers children to seek help and face life’s challenges with confidence and compassion.

Brainstorm Productions is listed as an evidence-based program on the Victorian Schools Mental Health Menu. Victorian Government schools can use their funding to purchase our program at no cost to students. Brainstorm is also endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
Each primary school program includes:
- A 50 minute live theatre performance, with themes and outcomes aligned with the curriculum and key wellbeing, bullying and cyber safety frameworks. The actors are young, professional performers who are positive role models for your students.
- A 5-10 minute discussion with the students, in which key themes and practical strategies are explored and help-seeking information is provided. Students also have the opportunity to ask the actors questions.
A Teacher Resource Pack, containing:
- Pre-performance resources, including permission slip, newsletter insert, promotional tools, compliance documents and everything else you need to prepare for the day.
- Curriculum-aligned classroom resources, including lesson plans, discussion points, extension activities, worksheets and online resources.
- Printable A3 colour posters.
- The theme song from the show to download.
- Full support from our Booking Coordinators, who are available from 8am to 5pm weekdays to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
Being Brave Wellbeing Program Covers:
- Anxiety & worry
- Coping with loss & change
- Bullying & cyberbullying
- Parental separation
- Resilience
- Emotion regulation
- Assertiveness
- Help-seeking
- Cyber safety
- Empathy
- Kindness
- Problem-solving
Australian Curriculum v9.0:
- General Capabilities: Digital Literacy, Personal & Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Critical & Creative Thinking, Intercultural Understanding, ICT Capability, Literacy.
- The Arts
- English
- Digital Technologies
- Curriculum Connections: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Online Safety & Respect Matters.
NSW: PDHPE, Creative Arts, English.
VIC: Drama, Critical & Creative Thinking, English, Ethical Capability, HPE, Civics & Citizenship, Intercultural Capability, Personal & Social Capability, Digital Technologies.
Also supports: The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education, eSafety Toolkit for Schools, The National Education Initiative (Be You), National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools & Pastoral Care. Supports Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), eSmart Schools, and other programs that promote student wellbeing, anti bullying, behaviour management, resilience, cyber safety, mental health and positive relationships in schools.
What sort of venue do we need?
An indoor venue with access to electricity. There is no need for any special theatre style venue as the show works best in an open space, with students seated on the floor. A school hall or gym is ideal but we can also use triple classroom areas, libraries etc. Unfortunately due to WHS we cannot use outdoor areas. If you have an unusual venue and would like to discuss it with us please contact our team on 1800 676 224.
A layout diagram is provided for each performance, showing how the actors will set up and how students will be seated. Download the layout diagram for this performance here.
What is the cost and how does the minimum fee structure work?
Our maximum audience for all primary school productions is 280. The cost is $7 per student (+GST). A minimum fee of $840 (+GST) applies when less than 120 students attend. Our office will email you a tax invoice after the show, based on the number of students that attended.
What provisions do you have in place for supporting child safety and wellbeing?
We are a Child Safe Organisation and comply with all aspects of Child Protection and screening in each state and territory. We have Risk Assessments in place and all our actors are trained in WHS, appropriate behaviour in schools, dealing with student disclosures and providing appropriate help-seeking information. Scripts have been researched and developed in consultation with teachers and a Clinical Psychologist.
What will the actors need on the day?
The actors will arrive one hour and fifteen minutes before the performance time to sign in and access the venue. The shows are performed on the floor (preferably NOT a stage), no chairs please. They have all their own equipment.
For more information please go to our FAQ page, or call us on:
Please Note: This performance contains references to parental separation, bereavement and displacement due to overseas conflict. Teachers please contact us to discuss if you have any concerns about this content. Mental health references are followed up with relevant help-seeking information and are informed by Mindframe’s guidelines for portraying mental ill-health on stage and screen.
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Performed at your school
Year level:
Years K/P-6 -
$7.00 Per Student
Min fee $840 per session +GST -
Running Time:
1 hour incl. discussion -
Teacher Resource Pack and curriculum-aligned lesson plans